A community Empowering and Equipping youth workers to be healthy and effective, so that they may Awaken and Activate the Next Generation to be a force for good in the world for Jesus.

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Nextgen. for young leaders & nextleader. for youth workers
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Nextgen. for young leaders & nextleader. for youth workers

Prepackaged 90-minute Next Gen experiences!
Whether in a Church or a School these prepackaged experiences will fit great. These topically based packages come with everything you need to run a 90-minute program.

Taking the next steps in your faith journey!
When you are ready to grow in your faith, dive into this 6-week journey that takes you down a path of spiritual growth. A unique combination of video content and reflection/discussion guides will lead you to grow and activate you on your faith journey. Just take the first step!

For youth workers to be healthy and effective they need to be empowered and equipped, with NxtLeader.Equip youth workers will hear practical leadership tips and advice from many global leaders to help them grow themselves and in turn their groups.

NXT Move
The NXT Move connects leaders around the world through catalytic gatherings & facilitating collaborative efforts to accelerate Christianity in the next generation.

In this compelling book, Greg Stier unpacks the secret to exciting and effective youth ministry. Using insights from the book of Acts, he unveils 7 key values present in the early Church and shows how youth leaders across the world today can blend them together—in a way that fits their own context—to create a dynamic ministry that grows the Kingdom and produces spiritual fruit in their teenagers.
Youth Ministry Hub offers a unique growing collection of in-the-trenched youth ministry resources. They create engaging, done-for-you resources that are completely grab-and-go with minimal effort. Including One Nights, all-inclusive, resources for one complete night of youth ministry, with everything you need for maximum impact with minimal preparation for your gatherings that include: a lesson script, lesson presentation, two lesson-themed games, small groups and more.

If you are feeling called to ministry, Intern Academy wants to help you to get there! Experience training from top coaches, a Lifelong community to support you, special experience, post-internship and more!
Bring your team on a PPM mission trip that leverages GLS Next Gen resources to uplift local church ministries in the work they are doing in their communities.

Get free and exclusive Interlinc resources! It will keep you on top of the latest “screenager-friendly” music and media. And we’ll equip you to use that music-media in your ministry. The kids in your group will be amazed at how “with it” you are on all the music and media in their world!
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